Short Term

Days Intrest Rate
46 days to 90 Days 7%
91 days to 180 Days 8%
181 days to 365 Days 9 %

Fixed Deposits

During the special period of working, people do all their important work really well. But sometimes people worry about what will happen in the future. That's why KBJc multistate has came up with a plan that can help you save money as you age and live happily and comfortably.

Months Intrest Rate
13 months (Ladies AND SENIOR CITIZEN 0.50% EXTRA Interest ) 10 .5%
25 months 12 %
13 months 10.5 %
25 months 12 %

Dam Duppat : After 84 Month get Deposite Double.
Dam Tippat : After 117 Month Get Deposits Trippal.

Recurring Deposits

Every Month Credited 1200/- after 65 months give 100000/-

If one rupee is saved along with one rupee earned, one can progress more vigorously. On the base of the saving habit, a strong structure with more income can be constructed. We are implementing Lakpati Plan through KBJC Multistate so that they can fully benefit from this habit of saving.
